Using Laravel With React.js | Perfect Stack for SaaS Development

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Published in
6 min readMar 14, 2023


SaaS (Software as a Service) application development has become more common in recent years. These applications give organizations a scalable and affordable option for offering their services online. React.js, a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, and Laravel, a PHP web application framework, are two practical tools frequently used in SaaS development.

Developers have the ideal stack for creating practical and seamless SaaS applications when Laravel and React.js are combined. The advantages of utilizing Laravel and React.js for SaaS development, how to set up and create a SaaS application using the stack, and highlighting best practices and potential difficulties are all covered in this post.

What is Laravel?

Building contemporary, scalable, and secure web applications is the goal of the free and open-source Laravel PHP web application framework. Taylor Otwell invented it in 2011, and the web developer industry has embraced it widely.

Web development may be completed more quickly and effectively, thanks to Laravel’s simple and beautiful syntax, modular framework, and extensive capabilities and functionalities.

Strong routing capabilities, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) compatibility, and an integrated authentication and authorization system are some of its best-known features. Moreover, Laravel has a sizable and vibrant community that supports developers and helps its growth.

What is React.js?

React.js is a popular open-source JavaScript library used for building user interfaces for web and mobile applications. It was developed by Facebook and is known for its efficiency, reusability, and flexibility. React allows developers to build complex UIs by breaking them down into reusable components..

It became one of the most extensively used libraries for UI development after Facebook created it in 2011. React.js offers a declarative approach to UI construction, making it simple for developers to make reusable UI components and control the state of their applications.

Moreover, it supports functions like virtual DOM (Document Object Model) rendering, which expedites and improves UI changes. React.js can be used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks, and it has a large and active community that helps developers and provides information.

Why Laravel and React.js are the Perfect Stack for SaaS Development?

When combined, the two potent technologies Laravel and React.js form the ideal stack for creating compelling and frictionless SaaS apps. Here are a few explanations:

Distinction of Interests

Laravel is a framework for backend web applications that manage business logic, database interactions, and server-side logic. In contrast, React.js is a frontend library used to design user interfaces. Because of the separation of concerns, developers can work separately on various application components without interfering with one another’s efforts.

Scalability and Effectiveness

Both Laravel and React.js were created with efficiency and scalability in mind. React can be used to create reusable user interface components, making it simple to expand the program’s front end as necessary. At the same time, Laravel gives developers a complete set of tools for creating scalable web apps.

Everlasting Integration

React.js and Laravel work together without any issues. React.js can use a RESTful API provided by Laravel, which enables effective communication between the frontend and backend of the application. Moreover, dynamic UIs may be made using React.js and Laravel’s Blade templating engine.


React.js employs a virtual DOM to speed up and improve the efficiency of UI updates. This guarantees that SaaS applications created with Laravel and React.js are highly performant, together with Laravel’s robust caching engine.

Setting up Laravel and React.js

Although configuring Laravel and React.js can appear difficult, it can be simple with the appropriate procedures. For your SaaS development project, follow these instructions on configuring Laravel and React.js:

Step 1: Install Laravel

To install Laravel, you must have PHP and Composer installed on your system. Once you have these dependencies installed, run the following command:

composer create-project — prefer-dist laravel/laravel [project-name]

This will create a new Laravel project in the directory specified by [project-name].

Step 2: Install Laravel Passport

Laravel Passport is a package that provides OAuth2 authentication for Laravel applications. To install it, run the following command in your Laravel project directory:

composer require laravel/passport

Step 3: Set up Laravel Passport

After installing Laravel Passport, you need to run the following command to generate the necessary tables for OAuth2 authentication:

php artisan migrate

Next, you need to run the following command to install the Passport service provider:

php artisan passport:install

This command will generate encryption keys for Passport and add them to your .env file.

Step 4: Install React.js

To install React.js, you must have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. Once you have these dependencies installed, run the following command in your Laravel project directory:

npm install react react-dom

This will install React.js and its dependencies.

Step 5: Set up the React.js Environment

To set up the React.js environment, you must install Babel and webpack. Run the following command to install them:

npm install — save-dev babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-env babel-preset-react webpack webpack-cli

Next, create a file named webpack.mix.js in your Laravel project directory and add the following code:

mix.react(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’)

.sass(‘resources/sass/app.scss’, ‘public/css’);

This code tells Laravel Mix (included with Laravel by default) to compile the React.js code and Sass files into the public/js and public/css directories, respectively.

Step 6: Create a React.js Component

Create a file named app.js in the resources/js directory and add the following code:

import React from ‘react’;

import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;

function App() {

return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;


ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById(‘root’));

This code creates a React.js component that renders “Hello, World!” on the page.

Step 7: Run the Application

Execute the command that follows in your Laravel project directory to launch the application:

npm run dev

This will launch the development server and compile the React.js code. Go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser after it has opened. “Hello, World!” ought to appear on the page.

Building a SaaS Application with Laravel and React.js

Creating a SaaS application with Laravel and React.js can seem like a complex process, but it can be a rewarding experience with the appropriate strategy. In this section, we will look deeper into the procedures needed to create a SaaS application with Laravel and React.js.

Step 1: Set up the Development Environment

You must have PHP, Composer, Node.js, and npm installed on your computer to set up the development environment. Once these dependencies are set up, you may install Laravel and React.js according to the instructions in the preceding sections.

Step 2: Create APIs with Laravel

To build RESTful APIs for your application, Laravel offers a simple API development framework. You can define API routes, controllers, and models to manage data requests and responses. Once you have developed the relevant APIs, you may test them using tools such as Postman.

Step 3: Build Components with React.js

React.js offers a robust framework for creating dynamic user interfaces with reusable components. Forms, tables, and charts are just a few frontend components you may build using React.js. You may also use React.js to create interactive user interactions, such as real-time updates and notifications.

Step 4: Integrate Laravel and React.js

With Laravel Mix, which comes preinstalled with Laravel, you may combine Laravel and React.js. Laravel Mix provides a simple-to-use API for assembling assets, including Sass and JavaScript files. Your React.js assets and components may be integrated into your Laravel application with Laravel Mix.

Step 5: Deploy the Application

Your SaaS application can be deployed to a web server or cloud platform once it has been developed. Your application can be hosted and scaled as necessary using services like Google Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services. To automate the deployment procedure, you may also use deployment tools like Docker and Kubernetes.


Developing a SaaS application with Laravel and React.js is a potent combo that provides developers with various advantages. It is best to hire ReactJS Developers to design feature-rich applications that are effective and simple to maintain using React’s dynamic frontend user interface.

Developers can construct APIs using Laravel, build components with React.js, combine the two frameworks, and launch the application by following the instructions provided in this article. With the help of this article, developers may use Laravel and React.js to build their own SaaS applications and advance their programming abilities.



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